Colonial Hack
The Hack
In early 2021, the Colonial Pipeline was the target of a large ransomware hack. The hackers gained access to the Colonial Pipeline’s networks via their virtual private networks that were intended to allow employees to access the systems remotely. It is believed that the hackers had gotten the password from a dark web leak from an employee using the same password for a different website that had been hacked.
Once the hackers had gained access to their systems, they requested 75 bitcoin (approx. $4.4 million at the time) in order to give access to their system back. Colonial ended up paying the ransom due to having zero information on who was targeting them and what their motives were besides money.
Its Effects
The hack on the Colonial Pipeline caused panic in industries and people in the area. The incident had caused a disruption in the airline industry as well as airports, including Nashville and Atlanta, due to a jet fuel shortage.
States spreading from Florida, Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, and North/South Carolina all saw gas price increases in light of the hack. People were panic buying gas causing shortages and massive gas lines in many counties. Consumers were reported to be filling tubs, plastic bags, and other odd items with gasoline at stations as well.
How to prevent a future hack
The supply chain is increasingly becoming an entry point for hackers, and the Colonial hack is just one of many examples of weak cyber defense within the supply chain. Securestate’s Supply Chain Assessment can help you understand where you're vulnerable and how to prevent attacks. Get a demo today!